Sewer Maintenance

Sewer Maintenance

Our collection cleaning crew is currently working off Lone Tree Way and Williamson Ranch Parkway, doing an outstanding job, cleaning approximately 4000 ft. of pipe each day. This is an essential aspect of what we do here in collections; it is vital for our sewer system to stay functioning properly. These procedures reduce the inconveniences and environmental effects of a sanitary sewer spill to members of our community. This will also reduce FROG (Fats, Rags, Oils, and Grease) related issues in the sewer system.

A friendly reminder about FROG

  • Scrape and wipe down pots, pans, and work areas before washing
  • Dispose of food waste directly into compost bin or trash
  • Do not pour waste oil directly into the drain, parking lot, or street. Do not use emulsifiers or solvents other than dishwashing detergents
  • Do not flush rags or wipes down the toilet. (even flushable wipes damage your system)

We will be working in that area for the next few weeks. If you see a truck with a big tank and blue hose attached to the front, know that your sewer system is being maintained.
