Antioch Public Works - Drain Pool

Public Works: How to Properly Drain Pool Water

Collections System/NPDES

It’s safe to say that we all love swimming pools! They provide great activity for families and especially kids to enjoy during the summer (around 3 months or so); although some die-hards may choose to do this year round. At its best, the water should be pristine with the correct chlorination and PH levels, etc., while free from algae and other forms of bacteria. At its worst, algae proliferate and bacteria form to make a pool look anything but inviting and desirable. Maintenance is the key.

Antioch Public Works Sewer system

When the pool gets to be anything but inviting, part of the maintenance may be draining the pool, then adding more water, chemicals, etc. Draining the pool though, is not a simple consideration. Per the City’s Municipal Code, it is unlawful to establish, use, maintain or continue unauthorized drainage connections to the City’s Stormwater System, and to commence or continue any unauthorized discharges to the City’s Stormwater System. In simple terms, you cannot drain pool water into the streets, curbs, catch basins, gutters, ditches, channels, and ultimately, into storm drains (which flow directly into local streams)! The purpose of storm drains is to guard against flooding and water damage by quickly removing rain water from the streets. Pool water contains pollutants, i.e.: elevated chlorine, salt, chloramines, other chemicals, etc., that when allowed to get into the Stormwater System, may otherwise degrade the local water quality, as well as degrade the water quality of local streams to the Stormwater system. This may pose an environmental threat and a threat to public safety.

Antioch Public Works - Drain Pool

Three options at your disposal for draining your pool are:

  1. Your Backyard – you get to reuse and recycle your water, and reduce your water usage for landscaping. Be mindful of your neighbors and proximity to storm drains. Also, conduct research on which plants in your yard can thrive with pool water being released.
  2. The Sanitary Sewer – By using your home’s sanitary sewer cleanout, you keep the City’s Stormwater System free of pollutants.
  3. A Contractor – if the water contains serious contamination, you may want to hire a Contractor to pump out the water.

Antioch Public works

Identifying Clean-outs

  1. Look on your property for a small circular cap on a pipe, with a raised square or mushroom shaped cone on it, sticking out of your house or from the ground. These caps often cover clean-outs.
  2. Look on your property for a concrete or metal cover marked “SEWER”, “C.O.” or “S” Clean-outs are often located under them.

By disposing of pool water safely and properly, you are helping preserve the creeks and wildlife in the City of Antioch, and helping to preserve local water quality.

If you have questions don’t hesitate to contact Antioch Public Works at (925)779-6950 or send an email to [email protected]

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